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Geographica 40/1 (2009)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis
Facultas Rerum Naturalium

Geographica 40 | 1

Geographica 40/1 (2009)
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Contents | Obsah


Original research articles


Tadeusz Stryjakiewicz
The old and the new in the geographical pattern of the Polish transition
Staré a nové v geografických vzorech polské transformace

pp. 5-24
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Martin Myant
Regional theory and regional development: the example of the Ústecký region in North West Bohemia
Regionální teorie a regionální rozvoj: příklad Ústeckého kraje v severozápadních Čechách

pp. 25-43
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Václav Toušek, Václav Novák
Jihlava – the centre of the Vysočina region and foreign investments
Jihlava – centrum kraje Vysočina a zahraniční investice

pp. 45-66
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International Cooperation of the Department of Geography, Palacký University: History and Present (Pavel Ptáček, Zdeněk Szczyrba)
Participation of the Department of Geography, Palacký University in Carpathian Project (INTERREG IIIB – CADSES) (Pavel Ptáček)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Václav Toušek has turned 60 (Zdeněk Sczyrba, Michal Vančura)

Labour market – migration nexus in Slovakia: time to act in a comprehensive way; by Boris Divinský (Marián Halás)
Czech Republic – Portraits of Regions; by Václav Toušek, Irena Smolová, Miloš Fňukal, Martin Jurek and Pavel Klapka (Jaromír Demek)

pp. 67-76
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